Q4Q: Queer Personals Podcast

Happy Birthday Q4Q!

Haley Season 1 Episode 18

Happy birthday to Q4Q! One year ago, the podcast launched with our premier episode “Seeking a Buff Danny Devito in Indianapolis.” And what a year it’s been! Check out the newest mini-sode, where Haley reflects on some of the best moments of the year and shared some “odds & ends” personal ads that didn’t make the first few episodes.

Listen to us on Spotify, Stitcher, Apple Podcast, or wherever you listen to your tunes!

Interested in being on the show? Contact us at Q4QPodcast@gmail.comor find us on Twitter @Queerpersonals and Instagram @Queerpersonalspodcast.

Music strummed by Omar Nassar. Cover art by Bekah Rich. 


Betty Peters, "The Frog Princess," Lavender Women, December 1, 1971. Reveal Digital

Bear Fax, Vol 2, No 17, Leather Archives & Museum

GAY, July 6, 1970. Hosted at HoustonLGBTHistory.org

Outweek,  June 13, 1990. Hosted at OutWeek.net

Outweek, Sept 19, 1990.  Hosted at OutWeek.net

Instagram post, Personalsbot, May 3, 2019. 

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