Q4Q: Queer Personals Podcast
Let's get personal! Since the dawn of time, humans have been desperate for connection. Then we realized we could solicit strangers through the Sunday paper. You’ve heard of Craigslist personals, just imagine the pining and thirst from lonely queers searching for love. Listen as we read and rate personal ads from the ‘70s through 2000s! If you love gay yearning, you’ll love Q4Q! Be on the show: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc8dOqRD6JF00L1fzyu8kXbBM58Z19ZlOs1aGeRv1usobmIDg/viewform
Q4Q: Queer Personals Podcast
Phoning It In with Brad Shreve
*Ring ring* Hello? Did you know that you could call a phone number to leave a voicemail personal ad? “Talking” personal ads became popular around the 1980s and ‘90s as a quick way to hook up or meet someone cute! This week, mystery fiction author and host of Queer We Are podcast, Brad Shreve, joins Haley to recount his own encounters via the voicemail ads.
Check out Brad Shreve’s work at his website, Queer We Are or follow him on Instagram and/or Twitter @thebradshreve
Listen to us on Spotify, Stitcher, Apple Podcast, or wherever you listen to your tunes!
Interested in being on the show? Contact us at Q4QPodcast@gmail.com or find us on Twitter @Queerpersonals and Instagram @Queerpersonalspodcast.
Cover art by Bekah Rich. Music by Kaz Zabala.
Long before online dating, there was the era of alt-weekly personal ads | Metro Detroit News
A Small Convenience That Changed Everything: The History of Voicemail
Here's What Happened to the Boston Phoenix
Outweek (NYC) December 16, 1990
Q-Notes (Charlotte, NC) October 2, 1999
This Week in Texas Magazine (Houston-Dallas, TX) - September 3, 1993
The Body Politic (Toronto, Canada), July-August 1984