Q4Q: Queer Personals Podcast
Let's get personal! Since the dawn of time, humans have been desperate for connection. Then we realized we could solicit strangers through the Sunday paper. You’ve heard of Craigslist personals, just imagine the pining and thirst from lonely queers searching for love. Listen as we read and rate personal ads from the ‘70s through 2000s! If you love gay yearning, you’ll love Q4Q! Be on the show: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc8dOqRD6JF00L1fzyu8kXbBM58Z19ZlOs1aGeRv1usobmIDg/viewform
Q4Q: Queer Personals Podcast
Seeking Nice Jewish Girls
In this episode, Haley & Lauren Hoffman of the Capital Jewish Museum wander through New York, San Francisco, and Minnesota following these Jewish sapphic lonely hearts. Check your baggage at the door and prepare to meet a Would-Be Cowboy, a“Highly Flawed and Special” artist, and a gal looking for a “New Age thinker with a specific physical discipline….”?
Follow Lauren on Instagram @spicylilscorpio and @wanderthrumuseums.
Listen to us on Spotify, Stitcher, Apple Podcast, or wherever you listen to your tunes!
Interested in being on the show? Contact us at Q4QPodcast@gmail.com or find us on Twitter @Queerpersonals and Instagram @Queerpersonalspodcast.
Cover art by Bekah Rich. Music by Kaz Zabala.
Jewish Women’s Archive
GBLT History Museum and Archive
2019 Twin Cities Jewish Community Study
Focus Point (Minneapolis, Minnesota), 1994 November 17
Focus Point (Minneapolis, Minnesota), 1997 October 8
J-Pride - TC Jewfolk
The San Francisco Bay times, December 1989
The San Francisco Bay times, September 1989
Outweek (New York City), 1990 July 11
Additional Websites to Browse:
Instagram: @dchistory @dchistcon @marenorchard
Swann Queen: A Short Film GoFundMe
Marjorie Morgan, "From slavery to voguing: the House of Swann"
Sha’ar Zahav Archives
An inside look at the history of Sha’ar Zahav, San Francisco’s LGBTQ synagogue
Alpert, Rebecca. Like Bread on the Seder Plate: Jewish Lesbians and the Transformation of Tradition. New York: Columbia University Press, 1998.
Alpert, Rebecca, Sue Levi Elwell and Shirley Idelson, Lesbian Rabbis: The First Generation. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2001.
Balka, Christie, and Andy Rose, eds. Twice Blessed: On Being Lesbian or Gay and Jewish. Boston: Beacon Press, 1989.
Beck, Evelyn Torton, ed. Nice Jewish Girls: A Lesbian Anthology. Boston: Beacon Press, 1982; Rev. and updated 1989.
Biale, Rachel. Women and Jewish Law: An Exploration of Women’s Issues in Halakhic Sources. New York: Schocken, 1984.
Brettschneider, Marla. The Family Flamboyant: Race Politics, Queer Families, Jewish Lives. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2006.
Brettschneider, Marla. “Jewish Lesbians: New Work in the Field.” Journal of Lesbian Studies. 2019, 23(1): 2-20 and passim special issue.
Kaye/Kantrowitz, Melanie, and Irena Klepfisz, eds. Tribe of Dina: A Jewish Women’s Anthology. Boston: Beacon Press, 1986.
Moore, Tracy, ed. Lesbiot: Israeli Lesbians Talk About Sexuality, Feminism, Judaism and Their Live. New York: Cassell, 1995.
Rogow, Faith. “Why Is This Decade Different from All Other Decades? A Look at the Rise of Jewish Lesbian Feminism.” Bridges 1 (Spring 1990): 67–79.
Sarah, Elizabeth. “Judaism and Lesbianism: A Tale of Life on the Margins of the Text.” Jewish Quarterly 40 (1993): 20–23.